Sunday, January 29, 2023

Fall Sunrise


London Air Show 2022

It seems quite ridiculous that trying to get a good shot of such a large piece of equipment is as difficult as getting a good shot of a little bird.  Over three days, I can shoot thousands of images.  Then cull out the bad ones.  Select the good ones and tweak them.  Here are some of the better ones.

My Final Images at Six Mile Lake

 In their twenties, my parents built a cottage.  No power tools, no electricity, no plumbing.  A tent.  A 3 horsepower engine on an old Peterborough boat.  Driving north every Friday night.  No four lane highways.  Driving south every Sunday.  In September 2022, my father, with his grown children's support, sold the cottage.

My final morning there was spectacular.  Bright sun.  Mirror like lake.  What a way to say goodbye.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

British Columbia

 In early August, we visited the "Sunshine Coast" for a family wedding and spent the following week touring eastern Vancouver Island.

Monday, January 2, 2023

Martin Barre (Jethro Tull)

 In July 2022, we had the chance to see Martin Barre (of Jethro Tull) perform in concert.  


 I captured these shots in late July of 2022.  The blossoms were definitely past their prime.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

House Wrens

In June of 2022 we had a couple of nests of House Wrens.  We watched the parents feeding the young for about a week then noticed how much the young were stretching out of the nest.  Within a couple of hours the first youngster jumped right out and started to fly.  I got these shots before first flight.

Fanshawe Trilliums

 Every May some of the earliest wildflowers to blossom are Trilliums.  Fortunately they grow along the trail.