Mid-week, we flew north from Madeira to Sao Migel. The capital of the Azores. Again, an autonomous region of Portugal. And again, we drove all over the island numerous times. Every day we chased sunshine but for a few sites, we were fogged or rained out. That's the risk of travelling out of prime season.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
The Island of Madeira
At the end of January, Nancy & I visited the island of Madeira. It's an autonomous possession of Portugal. Using our rental car, we drove all over the island (numerous times). Although quite warm for us, for January, I never really needed shorts. Having said that, we never went anywhere without a raincoat. Rain clouds lead us everywhere.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Niagara Falls
I had heard that Niagara Falls had some crazy ice this year, so I got up at 4:30 and drove to capture the sunrise. Mother Nature had different plans. Winds from the east blew the mist right at me and my gear. Sunrise, not today. Temperature was about -15C less wind and mist chill. I was one of only three non-park employees to be out there that morning. Can't win 'em all.
Pt Bruce
We had very frigid temperatures in January and February. Lake Erie was almost completely frozen over. Why not visit the beach?
Snowy Owl
Early in the year, I heard that Snowy Owls were as far south as London ON. Following some research I went out in search. I almost missed this one.
Shrouded in controversy, Reptillia London is a reptile zoo. I did have some reservations on going but I'm glad I did. Several of the animals that we saw were turned over to the keepers as the animals' private owners could not cope with them any longer. While we allow private ownership, Reptilia will provide an important service to protect these animals from foolish owners.
Some Fall 2024 Aylmer Concerts
These are from the Aylmer Performing Arts Council's concerts that included Dan Mangan,
Ensemble Vivant,
and the Andre Bisson Band