After trying for about 15 years I finally got a "Hummer" shot worth showing.
Next time, I'll increase the shutter speed to above 1/1600th of a
An HDR shot of our little boat taken very early one morning.
Another HDR shot of sunset over West Hungry Bay.
Another shade of grey; this cottage is probably over 60 years old. Until the week before this image was taken, it had wonderful peeling paint of various colours, which I loved. I guess what some see as opportunity, others see as eyesores.
Three docks; taken before most people were up and about, the reflections were too much to resist.
I liked the back-lighting of this little guy. His actual size was about 3-4 mm.
It's hard to get a sharp shot when floating in a boat in open water. This is a shot of a mother and her two "loonettes".
Completing the family is Papa. This shot was taken from our dock when Papa came into our bay to do some fishing. I got to see him surface with a small fish, swim over to one of the kids and feed him. Papa was fastidious about grooming. He was constantly plucking feathers and dipping under the surface to reset his coat.