Monday, August 4, 2014

Haldimand Conservation Area

Got to love getting up late and still being able to shoot some surprising shots.  After our breakfast, a family of Cedar Waxwings came to visit.  I was excited as I spotted two birds.  Then I found several young ones.  I watched, from behind many layers of leaves, as mom or dad fed the young ones some berries.  One of the more dominant juveniles posed for me while he picked, tossed and then swallowed his own berry.

I found the pattern on the back of the spiders so interesting.  To me it looks like a cartoon version of an unhappy cat.  Oh and by the way, the actual size of the spider was about a quarter of an inch.

The flower shots were, I confess, grab shots.  I knew the effect I was going for but didn't know that there were bugs in the one shot until I uploaded the images to my computer. I kind of like the effect and prefer it to the non-bugged shot. What do you think?

Did I mention that our campsite seemed to be in the middle of a wind farm?

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